Five Tips to Reduce your Legal Expenses when Separating

Tips for Reducing Your Costs When Working With a Family Lawyer

Legal fees can escalate very quickly when dealing with a separation and divorce, however, there are a number of strategies that you can use to reduce your costs and lessen the strain on your financial resources.

  • Consult a Lawyer Early

You should seek out legal advice early prior to committing to any settlement or agreement. A family lawyer can explain to you your rights and obligations, as well as, various options available to you.

  • Be Reasonable

The more reasonable that you are, the less time that your lawyer will need to spend on your file.  If you try to communicate with your ex in a constructive manner and you are able to work out simple issues first you will save money in the long run.

  • Communicate with your lawyer efficiently

Most family lawyers bill in six minute increments.  Rather than sending three or four e-mails, it may be cost effective to schedule a telephone appointment to discuss issues. It is also important to deliver to your lawyer your paperwork in an organized fashion as it reduces the time that she will spend organizing the documents.

  • Seek Counselling to Deal with your Grief

While lawyers have often seen and heard it all and can be compassionate, it is more cost effective for you to seek the support of a counsellor for your emotional issues.  Counsellors are trained to give you solutions and may even be covered by your extended health benefit plans.

  • Consider “Unbundled Services”

If you are unable to afford the full services of a lawyer, you may still be able to consult with a lawyer and use services on a pay per use agreement.  We can give advice, draft documents and coach you through the process while staying behind the scenes.

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